Monday, July 9, 2012

Rihanna Feels Her Butt Is 'Not Living Up to Its Full Potential'

Tuned In: Rihanna Feels Her Butt Is 'Not Living Up to Its Full Potential'

Rihanna is going to start giving her butt motivational speeches. Justin and Selena pulled the oldest PR move in the book. And there might be another posthumous Amy Winehouse in the making. Here's the music news!

  •  Rihanna is on the cover of the August issue of Harper's Bazaar, in which she confesses that she's really very reserved when it comes to relationships: "If I come across someone who I find really cool, I'll hang out. But the minute I find that we're getting too close I just — I don't let people in."

The singer admits that she's still recovering from a previous relationship: "When I was in love, I fell so hard. I was really, really, really in love. The way it made me feel was priceless. And in a blink of an eye my whole life changed. Everything that I knew was different. I never thought I'd feel that pain in my life. I'm afraid of feeling that again."

All introspection aside, the truly interesting snippet in the article is that Rihanna is not entirely satisfied with her body: She misses her pre-weight loss rear end. "I don't know if there's something going on with my body right now, but I'm eating everything in life! I miss my ass. It just went away! I need a butt. I have an idea of one, but it's not living up its full potential right now." An awesome admission indeed — one that has us imagining Rihanna's butt as a community college dropout with a part-time job at Arby's. Rihanna's going to have to give that tush some tough love if she ever wants to see it blossom into the motivated go-getter she knows it can be.

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